WX9PIA-R: 147.330+ (Analog – 103.5 PL) 
The 147.330 analog repeater is linked 24/7 with the 444.050 analog repeater to create a dual band linked repeater system that serves the Peoria, Illinois metro area. Echolink is available on this system with a node number of 629244. This repeater has 50 watts TPO and the antenna is at 150 feet AGL. The repeater is located off of Grandview Drive in Peoria, IL.
WX9PIA-R: 444.050+ (Analog – 103.5 PL) ***** TEMP OFFLINE FOR MAINTENANCE *****
The 444.050 analog repeater is linked 24/7 with the 147.330 analog repeater to create a dual band linked repeater system that serves the Peoria, Illinois metro area. Echolink is available on this system with a node number of 629244. This repeater has 100 watts TPO and the antenna is at 120 feet AGL. The repeater is located off of Grandview Drive in Peoria, IL.
WX9PIA-R: 442.500+ (DMR – CC12)
The 442.500 DMR (Digital Mobile Radio or also known as Mototrbo) serves Downtown Peoria, the river valley and surrounding areas. The repeater has 30 watts TPO and the antenna is 150 feet AGL. The repeater is located at the City of Peoria Office of Emergency Management on Grand View Drive. This system is linked with Brandmeister network which connects it to other DMR repeaters all over the country and the world. For more specific information on the PALS DMR repeater system, visit our DMR page on this website by clicking HERE.
KB9YVN-R: 442.200+ (DMR – CC12)
The 442.200 DMR (Digital Mobile Radio or also known as Mototrbo) is the first DMR repeater system to serve the Peoria, Illinois area. The repeater has 100 watts TPO and the antenna is 220 feet AGL. The repeater is located between Washington and Morton, IL. This system is linked with Brandmeister network which connects it to other DMR repeaters all over the country and the world. For more specific information on the PALS DMR repeater system, visit our DMR page on this website by clicking HERE.
KT9Y-R: 442.100+ (DMR – CC12) 
The 442.100 DMR (Digital Mobile Radio or also known as Mototrbo) is located in the Trivoli/Farmington area and serves Peoria, Fulton & parts of Knox counties, including the towns of Hanna City, Trivoli, Farmington, Canton, Brimfield, Glasford, Elmwood, Williamsfield and other towns west of Peoria. The repeater has 50 watts TPO and the antenna is 150 feet AGL. This repeater is linked with the Brandmeister network which connects it to other DMR repeaters all over the country and the world. For more specific information on the PALS DMR repeater system, visit our DMR page on this website by clicking HERE.
W9TAZ-R: 444.550+ (Analog & Fusion – 103.5 PL)
The 444.550 Analog / Fusion Repeater is located in Groveland, IL and is linked to the Yaesu WIRES-X World Wide Network 24/7. The repeater has 50 watts TPO and the antenna is 180 feet AGL.
W9TAZ-R: 146.670- (Analog & Fusion – 103.5 PL)
The 146.670 Analog / Fusion repeater is located in Groveland, IL and has 50 watts TPO. The antenna is 180 feet AGL. This repeater is not currently connected to the WIRES-X network.
WX9PIA-R: 224.600 output / 223.000 input (-1.6 MHz offset – 156.7 PL)
Coming, Spring 2025!!
Check back soon for pictures and additional information on all of the PALS repeater systems.