DMR Do’s, Dont’s & Best Practices
On this page you will find information on how the most popular talk groups are set up and how to properly utilize each one of these talk group on the PALS DMR Repeater(s). Both PALS repeater systems operate on the Brandmeister DMR Network.
Each talk group on the world wide Brandmeister DMR network has specific uses on the system. Some talk groups are “always-on” and are active all the time on a repeater, and some are “user activated” and are only active for a certain amount of time if someone keys up their radio on that particular talk group. With hundreds of repeaters and thousands of users, there needs to be some “traffic control” rules in place to make sure the network runs smooth and efficiently. If all the talk groups were active all the time on all the repeaters in the world, I’m sure you can imagine what kind of mess that would turn out to be. That’s why there are many different talk groups and uses for each one.
A talk group can be set up to be an “always-on” talk group or a “user activated” talk group. An always-on talk group is exactly that, it is always on and available on the PALS DMR repeater. A user activated talk group is always available but is not activated on the repeater until a user “turns it on.” This is done by selecting the talk group and pushing your radio’s push-to-talk button. The short transmission from your radio activates the talk group for 15 minutes. This “user activated” talk group will remain active as long as there is local activity on the talk group. After 15 minutes of local inactivity, the talk group goes dormant and back to a “user activated” status until it is activated again. Let’s take a look at some of the talk groups that are available on the PALS DMR Repeater Systems and what each ones use is intended for.
LOCAL 9 (TG 9) – Time Slot 2. This talk group is for local single repeater traffic only. If you are going to talk to someone that is located in the central Illinois area and you want to only be on that specific repeater, then that is what Local 9 is designed for. If using Local 9 on any of the PALS repeaters you are not going through the Brandmeister network and you will not come out on all three PALS DMR repeaters like CI-Local would do. If you use Local 9 on the 442.200 repeater, that is the only repeater your will be talking on. The conversation stays right there and never hits the network. We encourage you to use CI-Local for all your central Illinois QSO’s as CI-Local has kind of taken place of Local 9 in the central Illinois area.
CI-LOCAL (TG 311752) – Time Slot 2 on 442.100, 442.200 and 442.500. This talk group is an “always on” talk group and connects all the PALS DMR repeaters on this talk group 24/7. It is used as a local/regional Illinois rag chew talk group for DMR users in central Illinois. Please feel free to use CI-Local for all your local QSO’s. We love hearing the talk group get as much use as possible. Hop on and start talking!
ILLINOIS (TG 3117) – Time Slot 1. This talk group is active all the time on all of the PALS DMR Repeaters and is “always-on” on for most DMR repeaters in the state of Illinois. When ILLINOIS is being used, your conversation is being broadcast on most every DMR repeater in the state of Illinois. Good for a statewide calling channel or for short statewide communications (usually a 10 minute limit). Not intended for long QSO’s.
IL-LINK (TG 31171) – Time Slot 1. This talk group is active all the time on all of the PALS DMR Repeaters and is “always-on.” This talk group links many of the amateur radio digital modes together on one DMR talk group. You will find hams using DMR, Fusion, D-Star, P25, and NXDN modes on this talk group. Good for a statewide and multi-mode communications.
WORLD WIDE (TG 91) – Time Slot 1. This talk group is a “user activated” talk group and is on a 15 minute PTT timer on all of the PALS DMR repeaters. This talk group is for brief general QSO’s spanning across the entire world. Remember, if you feel that your conversation is going to be lengthy in nature, it would be a good idea to take that conversation to a “user activated” talk group such as a TAC channel talk group.
NORTH AMERICA / NOAM (TG 93) – Time Slot 1. This talk group is a “user activated” talk group and is on a 15 minute PTT timer on all of the PALS DMR repeaters. This talk group is for brief general QSO’s spanning across multiple North American repeaters. Remember, if you feel that your conversation is going to be lengthy in nature, it would be a good idea to take that conversation to a “user activated” talk group such as a TAC channel talk group.
UNITED STATES / USA 3100 (TG 3100) – Time Slot 1. This talk group is a “user activated” talk group and is on a 15 minute PTT timer on all of the PALS DMR repeaters. This talk group is for brief general QSO’s spanning across multiple United States repeaters. Remember, if you feel that your conversation is going to be lengthy in nature, it would be a good idea to take that conversation to a “user activated” talk group such as a TAC channel talk group.
TAC Talk Groups (TG 310 – 319) – Time Slot 1. These talk groups are “user activated” talk groups and are on a 15 minute PTT timer on all of the PALS DMR repeaters. They are available to all of the Brandmesiter DMR repeaters world wide. They are used as short or long form rag chew talk groups. This is a good place to chat with your buddies across the country or the world.
There are numerous other talk groups listed for use on the Brandmeister network. All of them are available for use on the PALS DMR repeaters. We ask that all talk groups other than CI-LOCAL and Local 9 be used on Time slot 1. Time slot 2 is held exclusively for CI-Local and Local 9.
When programming your radio for any of the PALS DMR repeaters, these are the guidelines to follow to allow for the best experience for all users on the PALS DMR repeaters. If you have any questions about any of these, or other talk groups please contact us and let us know. We would be more than happy to help answer any questions that you may have. Have fun and enjoy DMR amateur radio in central Illinois!